Years of Experience

Our highly skilled mechanics offer comprehensive knowledge and experience based on years of training and experience. You can rest easy knowing that your car will be handled with the latest diagnostic equipment, professionalism and that everything done to your car will be explained to you. We then put everything in writing and maintain records to ensure that all of your vehicle information is accurate and organized.

The Tune-Up Clinic

Our mission is to provide exceptional customer service with honesty and integrity. Our team is very knowledgable, and we always use quality parts and offer them at a fair price.

  • Quality products
  • Professional servicing
  • Quick turnaround

Customer Satisfaction
We Truly Value and Appreciate Our Customers!

Our mechanics will provide a detailed diagnosis of your vehicle and ensure quality service. 


The Tune Up Clinic
1636 W. Redlands Blvd.
Redlands, CA 92373

(909) 792-2522
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